Story: The New World by Allen Walker – Episode 3

” Man fears what he does not know. Man dreads what he cannot control but then what you don’t know cannot kill you and its better to let what you cannot control be.” – Khris Walker
The day crept in like a stranger walking into a villa owned by foreigners. Jessica saw the day roll in, trying to be gentle as if not to make a rustle. It didn’t matter to her anyways, she hadn’t slept all through the night, she just laid all through, thinking, remembering.
It bad been the most amazing thing she could think of that had ever happened to her, it was magical; and because she hadn’t been taking the daily pill meant to suppress her emotions and memory, she truly felt every moment; the pain was pleasure in disguise.
“And now he’s leaving…. For 6 months.” She was thinking aloud.
“I should have told him sooner.” Then a thought occurred to her “I wonder if he’d still love me when he gets back, now that I can’t communicate him”.
She wondered why there wasn’t a single communication device in the new world – there were only the large speakers with the heavy Russian baritone giving the same chain of programmed broadcasts every day and TVs with programmed shows and instructions like….
“Have you taken your medication today? don’t sleep on it so you don’t have to sleep in the infirmary”, and…
“How do you handle your unit? did you know that the way you handle your unit defines your personality? are you a bad or a good person? take care of your unit and let nature take care of you”.
The people all followed these instructions like robots following the toy master.
“Those pills are keeping us from remembering things, they’re taking our humanity away” she said.
The convey moves smoothly on the road, everyone is chattering, talking about the adventures that wait in the dauntless camp. It was a dream come true for the males to make dauntless; well, the males who had heart. Males like Steve find units like caregiver more comforting.
Curt is lost in his mind; you can guess he’s thinking of Jessica. Michael Andrews and Warren Sunburn can’t guess same. They’d been his characteristics pair since after his first day at the convention center.
But they hardly knew him; at least they didn’t know he’d been skipping his meds and is now having the ability to feel emotions… An ability they didn’t possess.
They chat for hours then realize Curt had been quiet most of the time.
“What’s wrong Curt?” said Michael.
“Yeah…… you’ve been silent as a cemetery.” Warren adds. Then he notices Curt’s expression and asks out of suspicion, “are you sick Curt?………… When last you take your medications Curt?” they were getting suspicious.
It was a crime to skip your daily meds and your failure to report to the council head after noticing makes you an accomplice and you suffer the same fate.
“I’m not sick Warren, I’m just listening” he tried to sound truthful.
“Well are you enthusiastic about the camp?” Michael asked.
“I bet I’d be made a captain in no time…. Dauntless is in my blood” Curt said.
It’ll take me shorter time than yours to become captain” Warren said then laughed.
They were all laughing now. The journey continued on and he was distracted from his feelings.
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