How to Make the Most of the Rest of this Year

In a few weeks’ time, we will be saying goodbye to the year 2022 and welcoming the new year 2023. But before the year runs out, I want to remind you that you can still get many things done.
In this article, let’s talk about a few things you can do to get the most out of the rest of the year in order to prepare your spirit, body and mind to welcome the new year.
1. Self-Reflection
Self Reflection is the act of evaluating your own self. Having a serious thought about getting to know YOU better. Knowing who you are, what you are. Your beliefs and principles.
You can get this done by asking yourself random questions, you can write them down or say them out loud.
This will make you know where you are good at and what you need to improve on.
One important thing to be conscious of while doing self-reflection is that it must only lead you to growth, stronger self-esteem, self-love, positivity and happiness.
“The journey into self-love and self-acceptance must begin with self-examination… until you take the journey of self-reflection, it is almost impossible to grow or learn in life.”
– Iyanla Vanzant
2. Review Progress
Yes, make a review of how the year has been since January.
Have a flashback:
- About the things that made you happy, even to the littlest of them,
- About the successes you made,
- About the flop-outs you encountered,
- About the things that made you sad,
Basically, looking back on your activities for the year 2022. If you had a bucket list, bring it out and see how many you ticked.
Appreciate yourself for the ones you got done and get ready to get the others done.
3. Standardize your Happiness to be YOU
Let your standard for happiness be you. That is, making sure that all you need to be happy in this life is your breath.
As long as you are still breathing, then you should be happy.
If you can cultivate this habit, it will change your perspective on life. You will start appreciating the little things in life.
4. Forgive Wholeheartedly
This, in other words, means forgive and forget.
I’ve always seen people get confused about the term ‘forgive and forget.
“It’s understandable for you to forgive because it’s a thing of the heart so you can if you really want to. But to forget is a thing of the memory, so it’s almost impossible to do, especially since memories hold on tighter to ugly experiences”, someone said to me when I talked about forgiving and forgetting.
To forget doesn’t mean erasing the incident from your memory because that is obviously not possible.
What it means to forget is putting the incident behind you. Not getting bothered about it anymore. Not considering it before taking decisions onward. Not reacting in regard to it anymore.
And you can only achieve this when you forgive wholeheartedly. This is applicable to forgiving yourself as well as others.
Forgiveness comes with a peaceful feeling especially when it is done rightly.
5. Be Grateful
Yes, be grateful for everything in your life. Starting from the breath of your mouth to everything and everyone in your life.
Be grateful to God and to people. Appreciate and celebrate the people in your life.
6. Make Others Happy
True happiness comes when we make others happy.
And you can make people happy with just about anything, no matter how little or insignificant it may seem.
- Saying thank you
- Rendering them a listening ear
- Checking up on them
- Passing a compliment
- Smiling
- Making them a meal
- Offering a helping hand
- Gifting them a book
- Recommending movies
- Spending time with them.
All these and many more can bring happiness to someone and this in return will make you happy and fulfilled too.
Practice these six tips and see yourself ending the year in good faith and cheerfulness.
The bottom line is that you are happy genuinely.
“Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.”
― Roy T. Bennett
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