Exclusive Interview: Meet Lydia Okojie, MBGN Miss ECOWAS Nigeria 2021

Meet Lydia Okojie, Winner of Most Beautiful Girl Nigeria(MBGN) Miss ECOWAS 2021, a multi-talented and award-winning model renowned for her philanthropic projects and humble beginnings. The young achiever and street child education advocate recently broke the internet with a social media video story of her journey from grass to grace. Let’s get to know more about her awesome personality in this exclusive interview.
Welcome to More 9ja Media Exclusive Interview Session, Let’s meet you, Can you tell us about yourself?
I am Lydia Okojie, a native of Esan North East Uromi in Edo State, with a BSc Degree in Accounting Education from the prestigious University of Benin. I’m the first child from a family of five children.
What was growing up like for you, can you share with us an unforgettable childhood experience?
Growing up was beautiful with my siblings and a few friends. One of my unforgettable moments was when I got picked up by Oshiomhole Police because I was hawking at that time.
There was a policy that no child should be found selling on the street.
Well, that experience made me never want to give up but to ensure I stand out in whatever I find to do.
What’s your relationship status?
I’ll rather keep that confidential.
What are the key attributes of your ideal life partner?
There’s no perfect human but any man I decide to settle with must have the fear of God above everything else.
What’s your ideology about life?
Simplicity and originality.

Who are your role models?
Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Ngozi Okonji Iweala
Can you share your experience and impact while serving in the mandatory National Youth Service Corps?
I was posted to Lagos State for my service, and I had the opportunity to contest for Miss NYSC and Miss Lush while in camp, eventually, I was able to become the first runner up in both Competitions. That gave me a lot of recognition.
It was nice serving in Lagos, my PPA gave me the opportunity to do what I’m passionate about which is teaching and I was also able to work for Children Reading for a Change Initiative, a Non-Governmental Organization. It allowed me to work with kids, teaching and listening to them, I was also able to contribute to their well-being and encourage them.
As a Corper I was also the Vice President of my CDS Group (ICT CDS Group), with the leadership skill I got, I was able to lead and I thank God during my era, there was no form of chaos, but rather ideas and concepts on how to go about things.
So for me, my service year in Lagos was tremendous, I would say it was a nice experience right here in Lagos State.
What motivated you into modelling?
Well, as a child I used to watch Agbani Darego on TV Screen, how she won the Miss World in 2001, so with that I was able to understand that modelling is beyond just the physical appearance or what we see, it’s beyond the crown, It’s a platform for you to do more for the people, a platform for you to grow more and for you to have a selfless attitude.
So, I decided to further into the industry because I believe that being a beauty queen a lot of people would look up to me and I can use my role as a beauty queen to reach out to a lot of people to motivate and inspire them. So with all these, I was able to get into the industry and by the grace of God, I became Miss ECOWAS Nigeria 2021.

How would you describe your modelling career so far?
It’s been from a point of learning, hard work, consistency, & dedication.
Besides modelling, what other activities or careers interest you?
Besides, being a model, I’m a baker and a caterer as well as an event host.
I also have an interest in acting.
Can you share your experience of becoming Miss ECOWAS Nigeria 2021? What was your major challenge and how did you emerge victoriously?
My major challenge was funding because I had no sponsor. But I put in the work, I rehearsed mentally and physically, did a lot of reading and research.
And with God, I was able to pull through.

What other crowns have you won?
2016: Miss VTE (Vocational and Technical Education)
2016: Miss Photogenic 2016
2017: Miss Crystal Edo Top Model
2018: Miss Ultra Cal C
2018: Miss Motivational Nigeria
What inspired you into becoming a street child education advocate, what are some of your notable achievements so far and your plans for kids on the street?
My modest background inspired me to become a street child education advocate because during my time I never received so much like this, but I feel like I could make a difference in these kids’ life, I could create an impact with the little I have to support them to go back to school and encourage them to go to school because I feel like if our society is educated or if we have children who are educated, our society would be free from social vices.
My achievements so far as been distributing over 500 notebooks and pens to schools and giving out cash gifts to some students who sell after school. The money is not to encourage them to continue selling but rather to let them know there’s dignity in labour and to as well pay for some of their bills.
I have also been able to reach out to some women who are hawking on the street and a few others. Though we also have plans for other things.

How do you feel about the reactions to your recent social media video on the viral #Kumama challenge?
(Laughs) my reaction right? huh, first of all, I didn’t want to be part of this challenge, a friend of mine reached out to me, I think on March 7 and was like oh, there’s this trend going on and she would want me to be part of it, I was like I do not want to be part of it because I feel I haven’t attained so much height, I’m just still a child God is helping.
So I decided to share my opinion about what I felt regarding the challenge and people was like, yes, I might not have gotten to that stage yet but my story can inspire a lot of people. I realized a lot of people wanted me to do this, so I put it up there for my fans to see, I didn’t know it would be like this but I’m grateful to God that the aim was to inspire and I’m glad that it inspired a lot of persons, thanks be to God.
Any Shout-out or final words?
Well, shout out to my fans and my friends and everyone watching my video, shout out to you all, to all the media teams who are sharing. Special shout out to my parents and my siblings, you are amazing!
My words for you are “Do not give up, stay woke, be happy and no matter what always remember that God sees, He hears you, all you have to do is speak, He listens and He would act upon it. Do not forget that hard work pays and there’s dignity in labour.”
Thank you!

Thank you so much for your time, We wish you more exploits and achievements worth celebrating.
Connect with Miss Lydia Okojie on Instagram @lydia_okojie
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